Who am I

Hey there! I'm Macho, or... Dan! I'm a hobby programmer undertaking small projects in my own time, I thought it'd be nice to make a little webpage to show them off. As you scroll down this page, you'll find some of my previous work, little projects I've undertaken and my experience. I've got experience in many different languages as well as a spotty history in community management, involving moderation and events leadership of communities far exceeding 20k+ concurrent users.

All of my programming work is as part of a hobby, I am not university educated computer scientist or software developer by any means, and have no intention to be. I'm a nurse who uses programming as a past time and to clear my head. Any commissions I create are of the understanding that I am developing projects in my own time.

Previous Work


Head Developer & Core Maintainer

June 2021 - January 2024
Developer: January 2020 - June 2021

Mutinies MC

  • Maintained core repository using Git version control integration
  • Utilised various services such as Maven, Redis, XenForo, MySQL/MSSQL, Jira and AWS
  • Ran game tests with community members collecting feedback and patching bugs
  • Utilised Github issues as well as code reviews and branch management
  • Developed deep understanding of concurrent and object-oriented programming

Community Management

Special Defense

December 2022 - December 2023

Pinewood Builders Security Team

Peak 250 concurrent users

  • Host social events for community members
  • Resolving issues & invoking user punishments
  • Active moderation of social platforms such as Discord


March 2018 - October 2020

Mineplex LLC.

Peak 20K+ concurrent users

  • Moderate a large network with many active users
  • Resolve user-submitted and anticheat-submitted reports
  • Minor experience in mentoring staff

In terms of my Roblox experience, I tend to develop far more backend systems than I do on the front end, for this I utilise Rojo so I'm able to use Git source control and work with others. These include but are not limited to:

  • GUIs
  • Moderation services
  • Server management services (+ Adonis plugins)
  • Anti-exploit services
  • Verification services (such as Roblox to Discord)
  • Open cloud (group promotion, shouting bots)
  • Plugins
  • External databases & webservers (MsSQL & NodeJS)
  • Examples

    Restaurant Gameplay example showing various interactive machines and such

    Restaurant Gameplay

    Quiz Center example briefly showing how the front end of my quiz centers work

    Quiz Centers

    Story gameplay showing various story-game related mechanics

    Story Gameplay

    Eventlog example which is made to help group hosts track event attendees


    Punishments example which is a UI based punishment system for Roblox


    Acticheck example which is used to show game owners and moderators how long players have been on set teams


    Soundscribe example which is a library to help developers include audio subtitles in their games


    Avatar editor example which allows players to customise Roblox humanoids, in this case it was used to allow visitors to create NPC outfits

    Avatar Editing

    Discord verification example through Roblox

    Discord Verification

    Java & Minecraft

    My Minecraft experience tends to be more towards plugins for multiplayer servers more than client modifications. I enjoy doing more front end projects with Minecraft and enjoy playing around with the packets provided, especially with the newer features in the latest versions. I have a deep understanding of concurrency and can design plugins and services to work with minimal resource usage, as well as making sure it's still effective and useful. These include but are not limited to:

  • Minigame loaders
  • Anticheat services
  • Moderation services
  • Tracking & displaying interest using big data (Cassandra)
  • Economy services
  • Integrating outside services (MsSQL, XenForo, Redis & Maven/Gradle)
  • Extensive wrapper libraries (packets, GUIs etc including unit tests)
  • Examples

    Minecraft minigame loader example made for 1.8.9

    Minigame Loader

    GUI based punishment system example


    Cheat detection based punishment system example

    Anticheat Services

    Profiling service example which could track bot attacks, alt accounts and other malicious users

    Profiling Services

    GUI based trading system example allowing players to trade with eachother safely

    Player Trades

    Combat logging plugin example which placed entities at the players log out location where killing them would drop the players belongings

    Skeletal Log

    Discord to Minecraft verification example which used Discord OAuth2

    Discord Verification


    I also sometimes create projects outside of the aforementioned categories, however they are usually created with the intention of integrating with the above. These include but are not limited to:

  • This website!
  • Discord/Slack bots
  • Discord, Google & Roblox OAuth2
  • Git source control
  • XenForo & Tebex
  • Redis
  • Producing test driven content
  • Examples

    This website which is powered entirely on HTML, CSS, JS, and sheer will

    This Website

    Various Discord bot examples I have made

    Discord Bots

    Roblox group bot example which uses my own API to change group roles, shout to groups and more

    Group Bots

    Various webserver examples I have made for mainly Roblox services


    XenForo plugin I made which was used to link Minecraft accounts to a XenForo website securely
